Thursday, June 23, 2011
6:00 AM
bHow To Use Private Label Rights Content
Private label rights content, also known as PLR, is content that you are free to use in several different ways. The content may come in the form of articles, special reports, or even ebooks. You can modify the content, break a large chunk of PLR into smaller pieces or add several small pieces together. You don’t have to tell anyone it is PLR and that someone else wrote it; you can put your name on the byline.
If you are looking for fresh content for your website or blog, you have the option of posting the PLR as articles. You can buy pre-written articles or break a larger piece of PLR, such as a special report or e-book into smaller sections, creating your own articles.
Another idea is to take a few articles and break them down into a five day ecourse, which you can offer as a freebie to people who sign up for your mailing list. You simply load the content into an autoresponder email system and the autoresponder will mail each day’s lesson out to your list.
When you buy PLR, you have the rights to sell the content to others. You can sell it as is or you can add some extra bonuses such as Mp3 recordings and bundle it as an information product.
To make the most of your PLR you can combine several of these options together. For example, if you purchased an e-book, and you plan to sell it on your website; you could take some of the general information from it and create a couple articles to place on your website or blog.
Don’t give away too much information in the articles; you just want to whet your readers’ appetites. At the end of the articles, you could place a sign-up form for a free five day ecourse. Again, you can simply take some of the basic information from the e-book to create the lessons.
At the end of the lessons in the five day ecourse, you can advertise the e-book, which you are selling on your site. You only had to pay for the e-book once, but you were able to use that one investment to create several articles, a five day ecourse, and an information product, which you are able to sell over and over again.
As you can see, there are many ways to use PLR, and all of them benefit you and lead to higher profits.
Wendy Wood is working hard to bring you quality private label rights e-books every month. Each month you’ll have access to a quality PLR e-book, sales page, graphics, ecourse to promote your e-book, and so much more! Learn more about Mom PLR eBooks now.