Thursday, June 23, 2011
Top 10 most stupid invention
5:51 AM
Top 10
Inventors don’t get it right all the time, so we’ve compiled a list of the 10 stupid inventions.
The Chopstick Fan, because hot noodles is just asking for trouble. The chopstick fan cools down those noodles on your chopsticks like nothing else. I mean, who wants to wait for natural airflow?
Back Scratched Grid T-Shirt. An itchy back is one of the biggest problems man faces. That’s why this T-Shirt makes it easy for you to direct anyone nearby to scratch in the perfect spot to rid your back of that annoying itch, because back scratching is a science!
The motorized ice cream cone was invented by someone who thought that manually twisting an ice cream cone was just too much work. I can’t even begin to imagine what invention he had in mind for actually eating it.
Introducing the Telephone Dumbbell. In modern times, people are spending longer at work, which means they have less time for exercise. Well the telephone dumbbell lets you work out whilst answering calls. A truly magnificent breakthrough in the world of work and fitness.
The Butter Stick solves a problem that never existed. What it does is self-explanatory, but what’s wrong with a knife?
I doubt the toilet roll hat will ever catch on. If you seriously need that much tissue, you shouldn’t be out in the first place. Either way, the inventor clearly wasn’t a big fan of those things we call ‘pockets’.
If your running Windows on a PC, there comes a point when you’re probably going to have to press “Ctrl+Alt+Del”, but why bother using your fingers to do it when you’ve got a perfectly aligned stick to do it for you?
The Loo Read is for people who can’t be bothered to pick up the newspaper when they’re in the bathroom, but can be bothered to to do labored DIY to actually install it in the first place.
There seems to be a prejudice towards knives, because here’s another invention that doesn’t want you to use one – the Pizza Fork.